Granby House of Prayer


The Granby House of Prayer (ghop) is a all-are-welcome House of Prayer that meets to worship our Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ. and intercede for His bride: The Church.

Ghop was born out of the vision of night and day prayer with worship in order to enable the Body of Christ (the Bride) to fall more in love with her betrothed.

We currently meet every Monday enjoy food and fellowship at 6:30pm. At 7:30 we transition into worship and prayer. Anyone, at any point of their walk with God, or even those intrigued at who He is, are welcome to come!

Calendar Link: Google Calendar



David, who was declared by God in to be one after God's own heart, organized and paid 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to worship God night and day (1 Chr. 23:1–25:31). That's a major percentage of Isreal's population at that point!

What does that mean for us as the Bride? It means that we need to be serious about supporting the singers and musicians that minister to our Beloved. To David, it was perfectly logical to devote a percentage of the governments income to pay for singers and musicians to perform, not part time, not on the side, but full time occupation of composing, playing, and singing songs to and about our Beloved Betrothed: Jesus Christ.

Which leaves us at a dilemna...



We do not have the ability to influence the government like David had. However, are the kingdom. Just like the Church in Acts, we are able to understand that it is our privelage to minister to God through our finances. Purhaps we do not have musical talent, but do possess marketplace abilities. Then it is our blessing to be able to support those in the Kingdom who God has given the gift of music and singing.

Imagine an artist (musician, singer, or visual artist) who is un-encumbered by the dependance on their creative ability to produce a livelyhood for them or their loved ones. Imagine the beauty that would release them to create! That is what is in God's heart! That is the heart David saw and pursued! That is the heart we want to have as the Bride!

Hence we are passiionate about supporting fulltime singers and musicians via individual funding. If this is your heart, join is in funding the singers and musicians.
